Business Development Tools And Techniques Pdf

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Key principles for business driven development. Per Kroll and Walker Royce. Published on October 1. Since 1. 98. 3, when the organization formerly known as Rational Software. IBM Rational, was founded, our knowledge of the various processes. Over. the years, many of them have joined our organization, and have. As our customers, partners, and employees have heard us say many times. F1.gif' alt='Business Development Tools And Techniques Pdf Printer' title='Business Development Tools And Techniques Pdf Printer' />Business Development Tools And Techniques Pdf To JpgThis chapter describes the development of a Business Architecture to support an agreed Architecture Vision. In summary, the Business Architecture describes the. Construction Core Carpentry Year 1 The Construction course introduces students to fundamentals of construction safety, tools, math, and blueprint reading, as well. Ideally, the activity involves. But its not science, and it isnt. Software development. So, in the absence of hard facts, the Rational organization has relied. Rather than prescribing a plan build assemble sequence of. Our six tried and true best practices have been the basis for the. Today, as we witness more companies pursuing software development as. We think. its time to re articulate our best practices for the broader. This paper articulates a set of principles that we believe characterize. Adapt the process. Balance competing stakeholder priorities. Collaborate across teams. Demonstrate value iteratively. Elevate the level of abstraction. Focus continuously on quality. We will explain each of these in order, describing the patterns of. Adapt the process Benefits Lifecycle efficiency, openhonest communication. Pattern Precision and formality evolve from. Adapt the process to the size and distribution of the project team, to the. Continuously improve your process. Business Development Tools And Techniques Pdf' title='Business Development Tools And Techniques Pdf' />Anti patterns Precise. More process. is better. James Cadle, Debra Paul and Paul Turner BUSINESS ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES 72 Essential Tools for Success BUSINESS ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES BUSINESS ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES. From The Rational Edge As a major update of IBM Rationals six best practices for software development, this paper articulates a new set of principles that. Insight Tools. Make CompTIA information technology research and market intelligence your goto destination for all things IT. We work for you so you can keep up. Always use the same degree of process throughout the. More process, such as usage of more artifacts, production of more detailed. Rather. you need to right size the process to project needs. As a project. grows in size, becomes more distributed, uses more complex technology, has. But. for smaller projects with co located teams and known technology, the. These dependencies are illustrated in. Figure 1. Second, a project should adapt process ceremony to lifecycle phase. In the beginning of the project, you typically have a lot of uncertainty. More process typically leads to less. On the other side, late. This translates to more process late in the. Third, an organization should strive to continuously improve the. Do an assessment at the end of each iteration and each. Encourage all team members to continuously look for. Fourth, balance project plans and associated estimates with the. This means that early in projects when. Early. development activities should aim at driving out uncertainty to gradually. Figure 1 Factors driving the amount of process. View image at full size Many. The anti pattern to following this principle would be to always see more. Force early. estimates, and stick to those estimates. Balance competing stakeholder. Benefit Align applications with business and user needs. Pattern Define and understand business. Anti pattern. Achieve precise and thorough requirements before any project work begins. Requirements focus the drive toward a custom solution. This principle articulates the importance of balancing often conflicting. As an example, most stakeholders would. Yet. these priorities are often in conflict. If you leverage a packaged. On the other hand, if a business elects to build an application from. Rather than sending our programming teams out to attack each element in a. This means capturing. It also means we need to. Second, we need to center development activities around stakeholder. For example, by leveraging use case driven development and. Our development process needs to. Third, we need to understand what assets are available, then balance. Examples of assets include. Reuse of. assets can in many cases lead to reduced project cost and for proven. The. drawback is that, in many cases, you need to trade off reuse of assets and. Reusing a component may lower. Download Program Creator Gold. So, effective reuse requires. Figure 2 Balance the use of components with addressing requirements. View image at full size Using a component can radically reduce the cost and time to deliver a. It may in many cases also require you to. The anti pattern to following this principle would be to thoroughly. Since you lock down requirements up front, you reduce the. Another anti pattern would be to. Collaborate across teams. Benefits Team productivity, better coupling between. Pattern Motivate people to perform at their. Collaborate cross functionally across analysts, developers, and. Manage evolving artifacts and tasks to enhance collaboration and. Ensure that. business, development, and operations teams work effectively as an. Anti pattern Nurture heroic individuals. Software is produced by talented and motivated people collaborating. Many complex systems require the activities of a number of. This is why people issues and collaboration what. This principle addresses many. How do you motivate people to perform at their best And how do you collaborate within a co located software team, within a. IT operations The first step in effective collaboration is to motivate individuals on. The notion of self managed. When people feel that they are. As the agile manifesto states Build projects around motivated. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust. The second step is to encourage cross functional collaboration. As. weve mentioned for years, software development is a team sport. An. We. need to break down the walls that are often built up between analysts. Each. member needs to understand the mission and vision of the project. As our teams grow, we need to provide effective collaborative. These environments facilitate and automate metrics. This efficiency allows fewer. These environments should also enable more. Examples of such an. Web based. solutions, such as Wikis or integrated development environments and. Our ultimate goal under this principle is integrated collaboration. As software. becomes increasingly critical to how we run our business, we need close. IT operations. Figure 3 Collaborate across business, development, and operations. View image at full size. As software becomes more critical to how we run our. In most companies, these three groups have poor. The anti pattern to following this principle would be to nurture heroic. A. related anti pattern is to have highly specialized people equipped with. The assumption is that if just everybody does his or her job, the end. Demonstrate value iteratively Benefits Early risk reduction, higher predictability. Pattern Adaptive management. Attack major technical, business, and. Enable feedback by delivering incremental user. Anti pattern Plan the whole. Detailed plans are. Assess status by reviewing specifications. There are several imperatives underlying this principle. The first one is. This is done by dividing our project into a. In each iteration, you do some requirements, design. This allows you. to demonstrate the application to end users and other stakeholders, or. Are you moving in the right direction Are. Do you need to. change the features implemented so far, and what additional features need. By being able to satisfactorily. You are. also less likely to over engineer your approach, adding capabilities not. The second imperative is to leverage demonstrations and feedback to. Rather than relying on assessing. This means you focus on test results and. This provides you with a good understanding of where you are. You use this information to update the overall plan for the. The third underlying imperative is to embrace and manage change. Todays applications are too complex to allow you to perfectly align the.