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Latest trending topics being covered on ZDNet including Reviews, Tech Industry, Security, Hardware, Apple, and Windows. Six Simple Techniques for Presenting Data Hans Rosling TED, 2. Hans Rosling presented a fantastic talk at TED. The delivery was inspiring, the mood was electric, and it was all about statistics. Jojo Circus Games Wedding Playhouse Disney. Yes, statistics a topic most often associated with dry and boring presentations. Hans Rosling uses six simple techniques for presenting data which transform a run of the mill presentation into a must see presentation. I encourage you to Watch the video Read the analysis in this speech critique and. Share your thoughts on this presentation. Six Techniques for Presenting Data. Rosling employs Gap. Minder to display his statistics. Curtain Opening Animation For Powerpoint Free Download' title='Curtain Opening Animation For Powerpoint Free Download' />This is a wonderful software tool for displaying data, but the real magic of this presentation lies in the techniques demonstrated by Rosling. These techniques are easy to do, but Ive rarely if ever seen them all demonstrated so well in a single talk. The techniques are Explain the data axes. Highlight subsets of data. Dig deeper to unwrap data. Place labels close to data points. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. Webopedias list of Data File Formats and File Extensions makes it easy to look through thousands of extensions and file formats to find what you need. InformationWeek. com News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Free After Effects templates. Download after effects templates, videohive templates, Video Effects and much more. Answer the Why questions. Complement data with energetic delivery. Lets examine each one and compare this presentation to common approaches. Technique 1 Explain the Data Axes. Common approach. Graphs are displayed with either no explanation of the axes, or a quick, obligatory Here we see variable. X versus variable. Y. As Hans demonstrates, dont assume that your audience intuitively gets it, particularly when presenting statistical data. Starting around 2 4. Explain what quantities are on each of the two axes e. Provide the background story as to why he chose these two quantities We vs Them Western World vs Third World Share his students prediction as to what the data will show. Because of this careful preparation, the audience understands the context thoroughly. A very energetic description of the data follows while the time advances the movie for about 4. The instant reply is a nice touch which fills the otherwise empty time during audience applause, although I suspect this was added in the post production by the good folks at TED. Technique 2 Highlight subsets of data. Common approach Presenters attempt to explain complex data which they have studied for days, weeks, or months in just a few minutes. The audience grasps little. Rosling recognizes the impossibility of explaining all of the data in detail. Instead, he carefully selects and explains subsets of the data. Example 1 1. 96. United States and Vietnam 5 1. This is a clever choice as his mostly American audience will easily connect the early part of this period with that of the Vietnam War. Example 2 1. 96. South Korea, Brazil, Uganda, United Arab Emirates 1. Technique 3 Dig deeper to unwrap data. Common approach Presenters restrict themselves to one level of data inspection. Deeper analysis is often only present in scientific journals. Several times, Rosling displays first a high level data view e. Example 1 Income versus population. Compare the global curve 7 2. Example 2 GDP per capita versus Child survival rate. Compare the Sub Saharan Africa bubble 9 4. Example 3 GDP per capita versus Child survival rate. Compare Uganda bubble 1. Uganda 1. 4 1. 8Technique 4 Place labels close to data points. Common approach Data legends and labels are often absent. The presenter assumes that the audience will follow their verbal cues. Or, when legends and labels are present, they are often presented far away from associated data points. This forces the audience to visually scan back and forth. Throughout Roslings talk, data labels are presented right next to the data points. An example is shown here for the OECD data point 9 2. Additionally, the appearance of these labels is synchronized well with the verbal component of his speech. In this way, the visual labels complement the audio. Related to this, there are several instances where Gap. Minder shows a bubble about to burst a second or two before the data is expanded. This is a subtle touch, but an effective measure to draw the eye to the right spot on the screen. The Sub Saharan Africa example shown is from 9 4. Others are at 1. 0 3. Technique 5 Answer the Whyquestions. Common approach Large data sets are presented, and the presenter often explains only the dominant trend or the one measure of most interest. The audience is left to wonder things like Why is that data point there or What caused that point to be lowhighoddObviously, no presenter can answer every question the audience might be thinking, but Rosling does a good job of anticipating these questions. He anticipated several Why questions, and answered them on the spot. For example Q Why does the progress in Vietnam accelerate in the 1. A They give up communist planning and go for a market economy. Q Why is Mauritius so different from most of Sub Saharan AfricaA Mauritius was the first country to get rid of trade barriers. They could sell their sugar. They could sell their textiles. Q Why is China moving up and then to the right when most countries are moving diagonally A Mao Zedong bought health to China up and then he died. Deng Xiaoping then brought money to China right. Anticipating and answering the why questions achieves two goals It allows you to satisfy the audiences curiosity while also maintaining an energetic pace rather than being interrupted by questions. It demonstrates your credibility and solid grasp of the subject. Technique 6 Complement data with energetic delivery. Common approach Statistical data is often presented in a dry, clinical manner. Perhaps the theory is that the audience should naturally be excited about data The most memorable technique displayed by Rosling is his energetic delivery. Examples are numerous, and include Highly energetic sequence as he narrates 1. This is the highlight of the presentation for me. The audience seems to agree, rewarding Rosling with 1. Spider web shape with his hands to demonstrate how the bubbles burst 9 5. Ghost like acting to accompany overlooking the United States, almost like a ghost 1. Approaching the screen numerous times to align his arms and body with the data. The thoughtful presentation of data makes this an understandable talk. Roslings energetic delivery makes it memorable.