Usi Serial Interface
Un libro un insieme di fogli, stampati oppure manoscritti, delle stesse dimensioni, rilegati insieme in un certo ordine e racchiusi da una copertina. TIs mspexp430g2 evaluation module evaluation board helps move your designs from prototype to production. EVM description and features provided along with. Usi Serial Interface' title='Usi Serial Interface' />GUIDELINES FOR DESIGNING USER INTERFACE SOFTWARE 1. Data Entry. GUIDELINES FOR DESIGNING USER INTERFACE SOFTWAREESD TR 8. Sidney L. Smith. Data entry refers to user actions involving input of data to a computer. The simplest kind of data entry. Royaltie provide no information on their website about who owns or runs the business. A footer on the Royaltie website identifies its parent company as Hiram Lodge. A library which enables you to access a USB Human Interface Device HID with your C application. HTB1Nlh3LXXXXXc1apXXq6xXFXXXE/220743542/HTB1Nlh3LXXXXXc1apXXq6xXFXXXE.jpg' alt='Usi Serial Interface' title='Usi Serial Interface' />List of USB IDs Maintained by Stephen J. Gowdy If you have any new entries, send them to the maintainer. Send entries as patches diff u old new. Ham Radio Software on Centos Linux Configuring multitudes of Amateur HAM Radio software for Centos6 Centos5 Linux. In more. complicated modes of data entry, a user may have to control the format. Thus questions of format. Note, however, that user inputs which initiate or interrupt transactions. Such control entries are discussed in Section 3 of these guidelines. Data can be entered into a computer in a variety of different ways. Users might designate position or direction by pointing at a display. Users might enter numbers, letters, or more extended textual material by. Data might be. keyed into displayed forms or tables, into constrained message formats. In graphic interaction users might draw pictures or. These different types of data. The computer will also play a role in the data entry process, guiding. A designer of user. Data entry is heavily emphasized in clerical jobs, and many other jobs. Because data entry is so common, and. Human factors specialists can. Data entry requires hardware, and the proper design of input devices has. Future advances in hardware design may well. But the major need in todays information systems is for improving the. Thus the guidelines presented here deal with data entry. The general objectives of designing data entry functions are to. Stated in such general terms, these principles do not provide helpful. Somehow these general ideas must be converted. The process of converting general principles into more detailed. With. regard to minimizing input actions, one guideline might be that a user. Probably every designer. A related guideline. That seems to make good sense, although one could imagine. How can duplicative data entry be avoided in practiceThe solution. Thus when a user identifies a data category of. In repetitive data entry transactions the user should have some means of. One method is to allow users to define default. If a user enters one item of data about a particular squadron. Context should also be preserved to speed correction of input errors. One significant advantage of on line data entry is the opportunity for. Here the computer. Preservation of context is, of course, important in all aspects of. The importance of. Another important design concept is flexibility. It is easy to say that. For data entry functions it is important that the pacing of. Tasks where the pacing of. Aside from flexibility in pacing, users will often benefit from having. What is needed for. As noted above, users may also benefit from flexibility in defining. Some systems include only those defaults anticipated by. Thus the concept of flexibility is related to maintaining. The guidelines proposed here deal with data entry in terms of specific. Some topics, such as abbreviation, which. A summary of the functional. These. guidelines recommend specific ways to accomplish the fundamental design. Consistency of data entry transactions. Minimal entry actions by user. Minimal memory load on user. Compatibility of data entry with data display. Flexibility for user control of data entry. Data entry refers to user actions involving input of data to a computer. Ensure that a user need enter any particular data only once, and that. In effect, this recommendation urges integrated and flexible software. Requiring re entry of data would impose duplicative effort on. When data entry is a significant part of a users task, entered data. As a negative example, entry via typewriter is acceptable only if the. When the primary display is basically formatted for other purposes, such. Provide displayed feedback for all user actions during data entry. For reasons of data protection, it may not be desirable to display. Reference. See also. Ensure that the computer will acknowledge data entry actions rapidly, so. A key press should be followed by seemingly immediate display of its. This recommendation is intended to ensure efficient operation in. Longer delays may be tolerable in. Note that this guideline refers to acknowledgment, rather than final. ENTER. Reference. See also. 3. 01. Design the data entry transactions and associated displays so that a. Minimize shifts from lightpen to keyboard entry and then back again. As a negative example, a user should not have to shift from one keyboard. This, like other guidelines here, assumes a task oriented user, busy or. Reference. See also. Where data entry on an electronic display is permitted only in certain. Data entry fields might be underlined, or perhaps highlighted by reverse. For general text entry of variable unrestricted length, no field. In effect, keyed text entries can replace. Display formats with field delimiters provide explicit user guidance as. Where delimiters. Reference. See also. In keyed data entry, always allow users to change previous entries if. Form filling may require typeover to replace displayed characters such. Text editing on an electronic display can be handled with or without. Using typeover, there is some risk of user confusion in replacement of. Some designers do not permit overtyping for. In some applications it may help the user to key a new entry directly. Here the user can compare values before confirming. Allow users to pace their data entry, rather than having the pace being. The timing of user paced data entry will fluctuate depending upon a. At maximum. speed, user paced performance is more accurate than that achieved by. When user pacing does not seem feasible, as in some real time process. Always require a user to take an explicit ENTER action to initiate. As a negative example, returning to a menu of control options should not. In routine, repetitive data entry transactions, successful completion of. ZIP codes at an automated post office. Deferring processing until after an explicit ENTER action will permit a. Reference. See also. Label an ENTER key explicitly to indicate its function. As a negative example, the ENTER key should not be labeled in terms of. CR or RETURN or XMIT. For a novice computer user, the label should perhaps be even more. ENTER DATA. Ideally, one consistent ENTER label would. Some other label might serve as well, if it were used consistently. In. some current systems the ENTER key is labeled GO or DO, implying a. Go off and do it. Reference. See also. Require a user to take an explicit action in order to cancel a data. As a negative example, casual interruptions of a data entry sequence. HELP displays, should not. If a requested sequence control action implies a more definite. LOG OFF command, or a command to return to a. Ensure that the computer will acknowledge completion of a data entry. In a sequence of routine, repetitive data entry transactions, successful. Successful data entry should not be signaled merely by automatic erasure. For single data entry transactions, it may be. Reference. See also. For a repetitive data entry task that is accomplished as a continuing. Automatic erasure of entered data represents an exception to the general. The interface designer. In addition to erasure of entered data, a message confirming successful. Such a message may reassure uncertain. Reference. See also. If a user requests change or deletion of a data item that is not. Expert users may sometimes wish to implement data changes without. Displayed feedback will help prevent inadvertent data change, and is. Layer 2 problem on Serial E1 interface. Hi there. Some relevant show commands are given below for a cisco router whose L2 on Serial interface seems to be going up down. As can be seen from the logs that the L2 goes downup frequently causing an MGCP gateway re registration messages on the NMS. I have manually shutno shut this interface and cant see any CRC errors. Question is 1. Are there any more show commands which can help diagnose the issue of link flapping Your recommendations on what is the possible underlying cause in such instances Thanks Output of Show log. May 2. 8 0. 8 0. UTC CONTROLLER 5 UPDOWN Controller E1 011, changed state to down LOS detectedMay 2. UTC ISDN 6 LAYER2. DOWN Layer 2 for Interface Se. TEI 0 changed to down. May 2. 8 0. 8 0. UTC LINK 3 UPDOWN Interface Serial. May 2. 8 0. 8 0. UTC CONTROLLER 5 UPDOWN Controller E1 011, changed state to up. May 2. 8 0. 8 0. UTC ISDN 6 LAYER2. UP Layer 2 for Interface Se. TEI 0 changed to up. May 2. 8 0. 8 0. UTC LINK 3 UPDOWN Interface Serial. May 2. 8 1. 4 1. UTC SYS 4 SNMPWRITENET SNMP Write. Net request. Writing current configuration to 1. May 2. 8 2. 0 4. UTC CONTROLLER 5 UPDOWN Controller E1 011, changed state to down LOS detectedMay 2. UTC ISDN 6 LAYER2. DOWN Layer 2 for Interface Se. TEI 0 changed to down. May 2. 8 2. 0 4. UTC LINK 3 UPDOWN Interface Serial. May 2. 8 2. 0 4. UTC CONTROLLER 5 UPDOWN Controller E1 011, changed state to up. May 2. 8 2. 0 4. UTC ISDN 6 LAYER2. UP Layer 2 for Interface Se. TEI 0 changed to up. May 2. 8 2. 0 4. UTC LINK 3 UPDOWN Interface Serial. May 2. 9 0. 0 4. UTC CONTROLLER 5 UPDOWN Controller E1 011, changed state to down LOS detectedMay 2. UTC ISDN 6 LAYER2. DOWN Layer 2 for Interface Se. TEI 0 changed to down. May 2. 9 0. 0 4. UTC LINK 3 UPDOWN Interface Serial. May 2. 9 0. 0 4. UTC CONTROLLER 5 UPDOWN Controller E1 011, changed state to up. May 2. 9 0. 0 4. UTC ISDN 6 LAYER2. UP Layer 2 for Interface Se. TEI 0 changed to up. May 2. 9 0. 0 4. UTC LINK 3 UPDOWN Interface Serial. May 2. 9 1. 4 1. UTC SYS 4 SNMPWRITENET SNMP Write. Net request. Writing current configuration to 1. May 3. 0 1. 1 5. UTC CONTROLLER 5 UPDOWN Controller E1 011, changed state to down LOS detectedOutput of show interface Serial. Hardware is DSX1 MTU 1. BW 6. 4 Kbitsec, DLY 2. Encapsulation HDLC, loopback not set Last input 0. Last clearing of show interface counters 5w. Input queue 07. Total output drops 0 Queueing strategy weighted fair Output queue 01. Conversations 012. Reserved Conversations 00 allocatedmax allocated Available Bandwidth 4. Received 0 broadcasts, 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 5. Timeslots Used 1. SCC 1, Transmitter delay is 0 flags. Output of show isdn. Output of show isdn service. Rtr sh isdn service SERial 011 1. PRI Channel Statistics Q. CCM MANAGER 0x. 00. Intro Regular Alt Font more. DSL 1. Layer 3 output may not apply. ISDN Se. 011 1. Channel 1 3. Configured Isdn Interface dsl 1 Channel State 0Idle 1Proposed 2Busy 3Reserved 4Restart 5MaintPend Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Service State 0Inservice 1Maint 2Outofservice 8Maint. Pend 9OOSPend Channel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 State 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. Select all. Open in new window.