Wordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital S

Wordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital S 4,1/5 7206votes

Easy Ways To Sell Digital Products Using Pay. Pal And Word. Press. Digital products like e. Books, cheat sheets, checklists and videos appear to be the way forward for bloggers looking to earn a living. Theyre a popular choice because theyre easy to market, simple to package and can sold at the click of a button. These days you dont even need a fancy Woo. Commerce installation or a full blown ecommerce shop. Wordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital S' title='Wordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital S' />Wix vs WordPress See the pros cons of each website builder which one is best for you. Read our comparisons on ease of use, support, pricing more. Wondering how to decide which is the best WordPress membership plugin Asking a more detailed and nuanced question will help you get an answer. A merger between X. Com and Confinity in March 2000 gave birth to PayPal as we know it today. Based in the United States of America, it is a global ecommerce business. The WordPress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart is a very easy to use plugin that allows you to sell products or. URL. There are a lot of membership plugins for WordPress out there. How do you pick Well, the answer depends on what you care most about. All you need is a blog, a product and a way to sell it. There have been lots of innovation and competition for different solutions for mobile payments in store. But for online payments, credit cards and Pay. Pal still dominate. Pay. Pal remains a popular choice for bloggers because its secure, quick and easy to use. Over 1. 44 million people already have an account and if they dont, its quick to set up. So when youre looking to sell a digital product, offering Pay. Pal as a payment option makes perfect sense and can increase your sales by 2. Wordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital S' title='Wordpress Simple Paypal Shopping Cart Digital S' />With this in mind Im going to talk you through three different ways you can use Pay. Pal to sell your digital products from your Word. Press website. The best thing is, it only take a few minutes to get up and running. How to sell products direct with Pay. Pal. Youve created a digital product lets say its an e. Best website builder reviews for small business, startups online entrepreneurs. We will help you make an important decision easy Its More Than a Shopping Cart. Its The Freedom To Do What You Want With Your Marketing. Robert, this is very helpful. One question, I have an existing WordPress site. I want to add a store. I have installed Woo Commerce, but not yet Storefront which I. Book and youre ready to start selling it. So youve got past the first hurdle. Or maybe you want to sell digital. WordPress Simple PayPal Shopping Cart offers a. WordPress PayPal Plugins That Make Accepting Payments. Bloggers with little or no technical skills who want selling a product from a blog often choose to use the distinctive Pay. Pal button notice the new design that is available. Pay. Pal is a solid secure system and easy to implement. The customer having purchased your e. Book is sent to a blog page with a link to download the file or e. Book. Lets walk through the setup process to see how easy it is. Step by step installation guide. Sign into Pay. Pal. Got to ProfileSelect My Selling ToolsClick Website PreferencesTurn on Auto Return for Website PaymentsTurn off Pay. Pal Account OptionalSave and head to Merchant ServicesSelect Website PaymentsChoose By Now ButtonsFill out Step 1Scroll down to Step 3 Customise advanced featuresTick the Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout box. Enter the URL of your product download page. Save your button. Copy and paste the code into your Word. Press sales page. Save your page, and now you should have a fully functional Pay. Pal button. For further instructions on setting up your Word. Press sales page, this guide from Heather Porter is a great read. Pros. Simple and quick to setup. Pay. Pal Buy button is well known. Cons. Need to open Pay. Pal Premier or Business Account. Need to host the download on your own server  no additional features to help you maximize your sales like video streaming, video previews, analytics, or integrating with Mail. Chimp or AWeber. Still using the unattractive Pay. Pal checkout that means customers are transferred away from your site. The Pay. Pal checkout isnt the simplest or most attractive of pages and it could cost you sales. Using the simple Pay. Pal Word. Press plugin. A second alternative you might consider is using one of the many free Word. Press Plugins to add Pay. Pal functionality to your website. The Word. Press Simple Pay. Pal Shopping Cart is just such a plugin. It allows you sell products from your Word. Install Encarta 99 Windows 7 there. Press website with one click of a button and because youre setting everything up from within Word. Press itself, theres no third party websites to flick between. Paste a line of code to add a buy button or add a product display box that has the product description with a buy button. Customers buying a digital product will automatically receive an email with a link to download the digital file. The buyer will also be able to download the digital products from the Thank You page instantly after payment. You pay the normal Pay. Pal transaction costs per sale. Heres how to set it up. Step by step installation guide. Download the Word. Press Simple Pay. Pal Shopping Cart plugin from here and upload it to your website. Activate the plugin through your Word. Press Plugins menu. Click on Settings. Configure the options to your liking. This can include your email address, the name of your shopping cart and the URL users will return to after purchasing. Navigate to a post or page where youd like your product to appear. Use the trigger text to insert the product into your page. Publish your postpage when youre ready. Pros. Free. Automated email sent to customers with a link to download your product. Flexible selling services includes the option of a shopping cart, product display box, and coupons. Cons. Files stored on your web hosting account meaning costs could increase and there is a potential of performance issues. Checkout involves transferring customer off site to Pay. Pal checkout and then redirecting them back to a Thank You page on your site. Pay. Pal checkout is a pain to experience and could cost you sales. Doesnt include PDF stamping. Individually add single products to your blog. To access more features you will need to purchase the premium WP e. Store. Sell your digital products easily via Selz. Lastly lets take a look at the newest kid on the block, Selz and in the interest of full disclosure I currently work for Selz. You can use Selzs free Word. Press plugin, but you dont have to. You can just copy and paste some lines of code to embed buy buttons, a widget with product description, or a simple store within any page on your site. Then install the paid Pay. Epic Last Song Mp3 Download. Pal app. A good thing about using Pay. Pal this way is that you get loads of additional features to help you sell more digital downloads like video previews, multiple file downloads, PDF stamping, dropbox downloads, and files can be up to 1. GB each. There are no additional Pay. Pal transaction costs. These are included in Selz fees of 5 2. Selz host the files for you, and hosts the secure checkout. A customer paying with Pay. Pal using the Selz checkout stays on your site 1. This helps maximize your sales conversions and helps with keeping customers longer on your site. The setup is ridiculously simple and quick. Heres the steps involved Step by step installation guide. Go to Selz. com and sign up for a free account. Click Sell an itemChoose Digital ItemAdd an image, description, title and price. Add your digital download. Click SaveGo to the app Store and install the paid 4. Pay. Pal unlimited app. Add your product to your site via a link, button or widget by copying and pasting a small amount of code into your html editor of your Word. Press post or page. You can also embed your Selz store into your website. Click the Store icon in your top right navigation. Copy the embed code. Paste it into a new page on your website using the html editorPublish and you have an instant store showing your products. Pros. Simple and quick, loads of features. Good for large digital files like video tutorials or software hosted by Selz for you. One Page checkout helps maximize conversions and keeps customers on your site. Paid into Bank account Pay. Pal outside of US and AustraliaOrders and analytics dashboard. You can use ordinary Pay. Pal account Pay. Pal transaction costs are included in Selz fees. Cons. No subscriptions yet. No affiliate yet. Limited ability to customize the look of your embedded store  customizable online store is possible if linked to from your blog. Final thoughts. The fact is that people shopping online still want to pay using Pay. Pal. The good news is accepting a Pay.